Discernment CounselingIn the realm of relationship counseling, Discernment Counseling is a pivotal intervention for couples teetering on the precipice of divorce. Led by skilled professionals like Bill Dougherty, co-founder of the Dougherty Relationship Institute, Discernment Counseling delves beyond surface issues, helping couples explore the deeper dynamics at play in their troubled marriage. Unlike conventional counseling, which focused solely on problem-solving, Discernment Counseling

In the realm of couples therapy, encountering what we term “mixed agenda couples” is not uncommon. In these situations, one partner is leaning out of the relationship while the other is leaning in, leading to inherent tensions and uncertainties. As a therapist, navigating such scenarios can be challenging without a structured approach, often resulting in

“How am I a difficult partner in this or any other relationship?” Answering this question offers a huge opportunity for self-knowledge that is often missed in traditional therapy where the emphasis is how long-suffering someone has been in their marriage. Everyone brings personal issues to a relationship, and discovering those is one of the goals

We know from the research that a more complex narrative for divorcing individuals improves the divorce and both people’s understanding of what happened. It leads to a softer landing for those couples who do not chose to try to salvage their marriage. Discernment Counseling is neither divorce therapy nor couples therapy, as this video briefly